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The basic motivation behind my research is to help making better decisions on energy policy, that is, to help allocating better our scarce energy, environmental and economic resources in order to achieve a sustainable energy model. To that end I aim to bring rigorous scientific analysis to the design and economic assessment of energy policies, as well as to decision making processes. I'm particularly interested in the technical, economic and behavioral challenges related to energy efficiency. But, as you can see below, that is not my only research interest.

The research areas in which I am currently working include: Besides from the bp Chair for a Sustainable Net Zero, I also collaborate with the Chair of Energy and Poverty, the Kapsch Chair for a Smart and Sustainable Mobility, and the Centre for Low Carbon Hydrogen Studies.

A full list of my publications, working papers, and research projects (past and current) is here.

See my disclosure statement. Here are my profiles for: Google Scholar, ORCID, ResearcherID, and ResearchGate.