load data | load into the workspace all variables stored in data.m |
save mydata | saves all variables in the workspace into mydata.m |
save mydata a b c | saves variables a, b and c into file mydata.m |
save textfile.txt -ascii a |
saves matrix a into textfile.txt, values separated by spaces |
load textfile.txt | loads your data creating a
workspace variable called textfile |
a=load('textfile.txt'); | loads your data into variable a |
csvwrite('textfile.csv',mat); |
mat=csvread('textfile.csv'); |
tdfread('textfile.tab'); | Creates column vector for each
column in the file. The name of the variable is the one provided
in the header of the file. |
z=tdfread('textfile.tab'); | Creates the structure z with as
many fields as columns in the file. Field names are taken from
the header of the file |